In addition to being an access point, 811 is also an e-mental health tool, confidential and free, and staffed by experienced Registered Nurses. It is available to all residents of Newfoundland and Labrador any time, day or night.
811 HealthLine nurses are available 24/7 to listen, provide support, and connect you to health services in your area. If you are experiencing a mental health and addictions crisis, need support, or are looking for health information, call 811.
811 HealthLine nurses can answer questions you may have about health-related topics that include but are not limited to:
Mental Health & Addictions Crisis Calls: Effective May 2, 2022 services traditionally offered through the Provincial Mental Health Crisis Line will now be provided by the 811 HealthLine. Individuals in need of crisis response or mental health and addictions support can simply dial 811, day or night, to speak with a registered nurse who is a trained crisis intervener.
Nurse Practitioner Virtual Care Service: This service can prevent unnecessary emergency room visits for non-emergent issues. Appointments are available everyday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., including weekends at no cost to any individual. The nurse practitioner can communicate over the phone or through videoconference. Individuals can book an appointment by calling 811 or using the 811 NL HealthLine app, free through the Apple and GooglePlay app stores.
Dial a Dietician: Dial a Dietician offers evidence-based healthy eating advice and is delivered by local dietitians by calling the NL HealthLine 811 or emailing a dietitian on the 811 HealthLine website. Dial-a-Dietitian connects residents directly to a dietitian; No referral from a health care provider is needed. This service is available 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
If you use “Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)” or web-enabled telephone services like Canada VRS, Skype or Google Talk, 811 may not connect. Instead, call 1-888-709-2929 to reach the HealthLine. Out of Province cell phones will not connect to 811. Please use a landline.
Text option in the 811 HealthLine app is available ONLY for use by Deaf or hard-of-hearing callers and persons with communication difficulties who live within Newfoundland and Labrador. Register to text with a registered nurse using the 811 NL Healthline app. Download for free from the Apple and GooglePlay app stores.
Parenting Across Cultures
Parenting across Cultures is a two day workshop targeted towards newly arrived parents. This workshop provides parents with information about the child protection system and relevant Canadian laws. The sessions also cover healthy relationships and violence, discipline, supervision of children, daily routines and the importance of school for children. All Government Assisted Refugees and Privately Sponsored Refugees who are eligible for this workshop will be invited to attend once they are settled in their permanent accommodations.
Mommy and PALS
Mommy and PALS is a group offered by our Community Connections and Social Work teams for stay at home moms and their young children. This group brings together stay at home mothers to socialize and learn new skills. During these groups activities could range from learning something new such as baking and sewing or bringing in a guest speaker from a local community organization. This group is offered to all Government Assisted Refugees and Privately Sponsored Refugees.
Healthy Baby Club and collaboration with Refugee Health Clinic
The Association for New Canadians works very closely with the Refugee Health Clinic (RHC). The RHC is located in St. John’s and many new arrivals will be patients at the clinic. ANC staff liaise with the public health nurse on site to ensure clients’ needs are being met. The support the clinic provides to families and parents could range from health checkups to prenatal and newborn appointments. The RHC works very closely with settlement staff at the ANC and will send referrals to the appropriate department if there is something we need to follow up on.
The Healthy Baby Club is supported by our public health nurse at RHC. This group provides prenatal nutrition and education to parents/families who are clients at ANC. This program promotes healthy pregnancy and healthy newborns. The public health nurse will also communicate with ANC social workers on new pregnancies so the social workers can complete an application to Mother Baby Nutrition Supplement.
ANConnect (for any newcomer, not specific to parenting)
ANConnect is a free, virtual mental health counselling service. ANConnect offers brief, single session counselling to adult newcomers across Newfoundland and Labrador. This service is for any newcomer regardless of their immigration status or where they call home.
Newcomers Guide:
This guide is intended for newcomers settling in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada and contains basic information about:
- information for parents, children and youth
- what should be the first steps to take when you have just arrived
- essential Canadian documents and how to obtain them
- elementary aspects of everyday living in Canada and on the Island
This information will help you settle easier and faster, so you can enjoy your new environment and participate in society to your fullest potential
Bay St. George Pride, NL is a non-profit organization, based out of Stephenville, Newfoundland. Through educational programming and events, we celebrate and promote visibility and acceptance of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Call (709) 643-4444, or visit their Facebook page
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.
For more information, call (709) 753-8550, or email or visit Canadian Mental Health Association Newfoundland & Labrador | CMHA-NL (
St. John's, NL
A1E 2E1
Choices for Youth is an organization based in St. John’s that serves the needs of youth. They provide Housing/Housing/Shelter as well as various support programs for young people ages 16-29. For more information, please visit
The Momma Moments Program is a peer-to-peer support and strengths-based group for young parents or pregnant mothers. It provides moms and their children with wrap-around support to navigate the challenges of motherhood, which they often face in addition to social isolation, financial demands, and limited social and family support. Momma Moments currently operates in St. John's and Conception Bay South, where groups meet once a week for programming that emphasizes overall wellness - mental, physical, spiritual, and social - for both mother and child. Young mothers have access to healthy recreational activities, as well as resources and discussions on topics of family building, income supports, mental health, education, nutrition, and more. In addition, staff act as advocates for the well-being of mothers and their children. Volunteers provide child minding services, and staff and volunteers of Momma Moments prepare meals for moms and kids - with extra to take home. The young mothers and kids in this program work hard to overcome challenges and build brighter futures. By combining healthy interventions for the moms, and taking a prevention approach with the kids, this program ambitiously works towards intergenerational change by breaking cycles of poverty and homelessness.
Peer-to-peer support and strengths-based group for young parents or pregnant mothers. Provides Moms and children with wrap-around supports.
A specialized mental health service that offers sexual education as well as assessment and treatment of sexual difficulties for adults, individuals and/or couples
Parent child centre in the St. John's area designed to meet the diverse, complex needs of families. Recognizing parents as the primary influence in their children’s lives, Daybreak fosters opportunities for positive parent-child interactions by encouraging the participation of parents in their children’s education and development. Daybreak supports the development of healthy children in the context of family and the family within community.
St. John's, NL
A1A 1K2
Prenatal nutrition and education support program offered through community-based Family Resource Centres. The objective is to support healthy nutrition during the pregnancy and early post-natal period and to promote healthy pregnancy and newborn outcomes. Healthy Baby Club actively supports healthy lifestyles for people who are pregnant using a peer support model with a team approach. Support is offered to the participants by a resource mother or other healthy baby club staff, as well as other club participants. Staff work closely with the other family resource centre team members, the public health nurse and the regional nutritionist to provide prenatal education and support.
Please contact the Family Resource Centre closest to you by clicking the link below.
International students can access professional counselling in real-time and/or appointment-based to help with any school, health, or general life concern at no cost to them. The keep.meSAFE Student Support Program is available night and day via phone, app, or web based. The service is completely confidential within the limits of the law and available in 60+ different languages. Download the MY SSP app, complete a profile, and start a live chat or call with a counsellor anytime anywhere.
Fellowship for individuals identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning
Fellowship for individuals identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning ages 16-25.
MUN Sexual and Gender Advocacy. A safer space for everyone2SLGBTQ+ and ally on and off campus.
St. John's, NL A1C 5S7
A service of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador (MUN) for it's students. The Counselling and Psychological Services at MUN Grenfell site in Corner Brook offers individualized personal counselling and health and wellness supports and is dedicated to helping students remain healthy and make good life choices while pursuing their academic goals.
Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
20 University Drive
Corner Brook
A service of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador for its students. SWCC offers individualized personal counselling and health and wellness supports and is dedicated to helping students remain healthy and make good life choices while pursuing their academic goals.
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL
A1C 5S7
Perinatal Program Newfoundland and Labrador (PPNL) is a province wide program that establishes guidelines for perinatal care, provides education to health care providers, advocates prevention and health promotion, supports research and quality assurance initiatives, and provides decision makers and researchers with information form its databases.
Planned Parenthood Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Health Centre is a non-profit charitable organization that promotes positive sexual health and 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion through education, community partnership, information and services within an environment that supports and respects individual choice.
Our sexual health clinics operate on an appointment-only basis. We do not hold walk-in clinics. However, pregnancy tests and peer support sessions are walk-in based.
St. John's, NL, A1C 2J9
Assists individuals in reducing the risks related to substance use, and provides support, education and referrals required to enhance personal health
A specialized mental health service that offers sexual education, as well as assessment, treatment of sexual difficulties for adult individuals and/or couples. Call (709) 777-5074.
Supports individuals primarily 16 years and over, and is inclusive of all genders and gender expressions through a series of programming:
- Education (youth16-29 yrs.) - provides foundational literacy and numeracy & GED preparation & testing,
- Street Reach (16 & Older) - Drop in & Street Based outreach services grounding in harm reduction. Also provides one-on-one individualized services through a referral process to assist with a number of challenges including but not limited to housing & homelessness, mental health and substance use, justice, and social inclusion.
- C.A.S.E.Y. (Coalition Against the Sexual Exploitation of Youth) - Provides youth prevention groups, training & awareness activities.
- Blue Door Program (14 - 29 years) - provides intensive one-on-one & group supports to individuals seeking support to leave experiences in the sex trade.
- Directory of Services - has developed and extensive list of community resources. This directory is updated annually and is available here
St. John's, NL A1E 0A5
ACNL works to support individuals living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS and/or Hepatitis C. ACNL advocates for change while networking on a provincial, regional, national, and international level regarding HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C issues. ACNL operates the Tommy Sexton Shelter and has 6 affordable housing units.
Call (709) 579-8656 or 1-800-563-1575 or visit
A non-profit organization that aims to improve the experiences of Two Spirit, non binary, trans, and gender diverse folks in NL through advocacy, community building, and expanding gender diversity awareness and inclusion in the province.
Visit their Website or their Facebook page