Online Short Programs

These short courses are designed to help you deal with life’s challenges and feel more in control. You can develop a deeper understanding of yourself and what you need to be doing to improve your mental health. With just a small investment of your time, you can equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive despite the challenges you face.

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Provincial Mental Health Groups

Provincial Mental Health groups are offered around a wide variety of mental health and addictions issues. These groups are one way to increase accessibility to services across our province. Provincial Mental Health groups are offered virtually and are facilitated by local mental health clinicians. Group topics vary and are expanding in their diversity.

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Power Over Pain Portal

The Power Over Pain Portal is a set of curated tools and resources designed to improve access to chronic pain care for youth and adults who live with chronic pain, family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

Individuals can start anywhere and explore what they think will be most helpful to them. It’s private and confidential, free to use, and accessible 24/7.

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MindWell: Live Classes & Training to Build Your Resilience

Join the MindWell Community to take part in live classes on topics including meditation, healthy cooking, financial freedom and so much more.

Plus, take part in Take 5 Daily – your guide to transforming the way you think so you can decrease stress and increase resilience.

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Messages of Hope

Created to support people on their mental health journey, Messages of Hope involves signing up to receive encouraging messages via email for a month with the option to continue for longer. People who sign up will receive an inspirational quote or an encouraging message from someone with lived experience in mental health and substance use.


Sign up here

The Brain Story

The Brain Story Certification is a free online learning program to increase knowledge of how adverse childhood experiences impact brain development and can increase the risk for mental health and addictions and other concerns.


When people learn about the Brain Story, we believe this knowledge can help to decrease the stigma associated with mental health and addictions. The Brain Story uses scientific knowledge to help increase the understanding that mental health and addictions are chronic health conditions, not moral conditions or due to lack of willpower.


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Strongest Families Institute Children and Youth Programs

Strongest Families Institute is an award-winning charity providing skill-based educational programs to children, youth, adults, and families seeking help to improve mental health and well-being. We provide timely care to families by equipping them with skills through our unique distance coaching approach – over the phone, the internet or via app in the privacy and comfort of their homes. Our goal is to be here when you need us, free of barriers.

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Strongest Families Institute Adult Program

Strongest Families Institute is an award-winning charity providing skill-based educational programs to children, youth, adults, and families seeking help to improve mental health and well-being. We provide timely care to families by equipping them with skills through our unique distance coaching approach – over the phone, the internet or via app in the privacy and comfort of their homes. Our goal is to be here when you need us, free of barriers.

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Breaking Free

Breaking Free Online is a self-help program that you can access 24/7 on any device. It is proven to be effective at helping people cut down their drinking or drug use, or quit completely. The program is totally confidential, and there is no waiting time so you can immediately start working toward your personal goals. It is:
• free for residents of Newfoundland and Labrador aged 16 and older
• available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• easy, safe and confidential
• available in English and French


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TAO – with a Counsellor

Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is an online program which combines online education materials with brief clinician contact by phone, chat or video conferencing to improve your health and wellness.


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ATL – avec un conseiller

Aide thérapeutique en ligne (ATL) est un programme qui vous donne accès à du matériel en ligne et vous permet de discuter brièvement avec un conseiller autorisé par téléphone, par clavardage ou par vidéoconférence pour vous aider à améliorer votre santé et votre bien être.


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How have you been feeling lately? Screening is an important first step for early identification and intervention of mental health and substance use concerns.


Screening tools are available for a variety of topics; answer questions, receive immediate feedback, and explore local services and supports.

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Therapy Assistance Online (TAO)

Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is a suite of online tools that is designed to provide you with a tool kit of effective evidence-based resources to help you bounce back from setbacks. There are interactive education modules and practice tools to help you understand and manage how you feel, think, and act.

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Bibliothèque d’autoassistance du programme d’ATL

La Bibliothèque d’autoassistance du programme d’ATL, offerte en français et en anglais, est une bibliothèque en ligne contenant du matériel sur la santé mentale. Elle vous propose des modules éducatifs interactifs et des outils de pratique qui ont pour but de vous aider à comprendre et à gérer votre façon de ressentir, de penser et d’agir. Vous choisissez les modules qui, selon vous, vous aideront à mieux vous sentir et à vivre la vie que vous avez choisie. Cette bibliothèque enrichit grandement le soutien dans votre quête du mieux être.
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Online self-management program for people looking to find ways to manage stress, anxiety and depression. Download for free in App Store or Google Play. Use code: ZH8N47FS when you register.
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Well Central

Well Central is an accessible and completely free virtual Recovery College offering interactive courses that empower individuals to take control of their mental health and well-being. The Well-being Course, the first course to be offered on the Well Central platform, offers a unique, interactive learning process guiding individuals through six dimensions of well-being: physical, social, emotional, cognitive, meaning and purpose and environmental well-being.

The self-paced Course has 8 Modules, each taking less than 30 minutes to complete. The Well-being Course is evidence-informed and co-produced with people who have lived experience of mental health and addictions challenges. This ensures the information, activities, and strategies are grounded in research, experiential knowledge and are user-friendly.

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Support Groups

Who doesn’t need a bit of emotional help and support these days? These online support groups provide a supportive place for people with a common experience to help and learn from each other. The groups listed are all free and support a variety of needs. Check out the individual listings for details on the type of group and how to join.


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Woman at Computer

Wellness Webinar Series

Finding quality information about various Mental Wellness and Substance use topics can be difficult. We have developed a series of videos that is meant to provide information and skill building which make it easy.


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Smokers’ Helpline

The Smokers’ Helpline is a free, confidential service providing information, resources, advice, support and motivational counselling while you are working toward being smoke free. We also have a text message support program where you can receive a text per day for 12 weeks.


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