Light a lavender scented candle or use an essential oils diffuser.
Coping Tips
Play soccer.
Cuddle with your pets Talk with someone who will listen and not judge you. Jog, hike, lift weights, dance – focus on something different
Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself; not people who tear you down.
Try yoga.
Turn on some music and dance!
Avoid being passive aggressive; mean what you say.
Makes smores in a backyard fire pit.
Talking to your best friend
Read a book.
Keep a journal to write down your thoughts.
Play a video game.
Find yourself a mantra. A common inspirational quote or saying that makes you smile or calms you down. Something like “inhale the good stuff, exhale the badstuff ” you know?
Don’t skip meals.
Make a scrapbook full of pictures that make you happy.
Think about the good things in life
Spend time practising a musical instrument or singing to music.
Drink hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows.
take a hot bath with lots of bubbles- tell yourself that you deserve it
If you feel upset slow your breathing by counting your breaths in and out.