I need to go to the psychiatric ward, but I can’t.

It’s will get better

If you need a book to prove you CAN do this and your a teen or kid you need to read Alone

I’m worried I will forget everything I know about my mom – what she liked, how she felt about certain ideas, food she hated, what she danced to, what made her laugh …


Every thing sucks, my world keeps falling apart. Every time I try to come out to my mom “ YOU KNOW THERES MORE TO LIFE THAN JUST THAT ‘STUFF’.” And I’m tired. I can’t vent to anyone and my house has a tall drop from my room window to my concrete driveway, and every day I sit there wondering “should I do it?” My friends all joke about having in-diagnosed depression, I’m not joking about thinking I have it. I’ve been cutting for a year now using my nails and a toothpick for a bit, but now it’s my kitchen scissors.

I’m fucking disgusting and I don’t know how anyone can like me. I need to get help. But I can’t. My mom monitors my every move so I can’t talk about my problems except in person which is hard for me. Right now I just wanna die, but I’m more passive suicidal I’ll walk across the road and say “it would be so awesome if a car came and killed me.” But life fucking sucks.

i hope it gets better.

To all of those people out there who struggle with alcohol and drugs, never give up. You are able to shake off all those dark struggles in our life, so do it! I am rooting for you <3

i am so tired mentally and physically.. i just want to sleep forever.. but i cant.

I hope I never commit suicide. I hope the dark tsunami waves of depression and the flames of anxiety one day are calmed for I know they cannot be put out nor can the ocean dry up. I hope the tears are worth it and that my broken hearts’ scars are contrasted by love both my own and others’ for myself because though I may not love myself right now, I can still hope.

I hope my friends’ worries and fears and their pain will one day disappear and until then I hope I do what is best for myself and my friends, I hope I do not lose sight of those who are standing by me and I hope I stand by myself when I’m alone. I hope I can help my friends and family and the people around me and stand by them on the darkest eclipsed days, and the stormiest midnights. I hope these things for if I lose hope, I will never live, and I may succumb to the illusions of deacons my mind creates and submit to suicide.

I hope whoever reads this never commits suicide or self abuse because it sucks. And I hope you know we love you.

i feel terrible. I feel useless, gross, and tired. i hate myself. im ugly and fat and a wate of space.

Our Greatest Weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed always is to just try one more time.

I hope that I will want to live

I hope that my over-thinking gets better and that my partner does like me.

I’m scared that my partner doesn’t like me anymore. I love them so much I just hope they still love me too.

my favourite is any rock/metal bands, it helps me a lot. my all time favourite band is Motley Crue, they help me so much all the time.

this is the horse i ride, her name is Beauty. i don’t own her but i love her more then anything, she has helped me in so many ways and i dont know what i would do without her.

six the musical anne boleyn is my fav love it so much my fav song , also every single one of t.s albums helped me!

I feel like I’m not good enough,Sometimes I wanna just disappear and never come back,And I’m bi and I’m scared people will make fun of me for that.

just because life is hard don’t give up there’s always someone that is there for u,Your amazing and I believe in all of you out there.life will get better trust me 😁