Makes smores in a backyard fire pit.

Talking to your best friend

Read a book.

Keep a journal to write down your thoughts.

Play a video game.

Find yourself a mantra. A common inspirational quote or saying that makes you smile or calms you down. Something like “inhale the good stuff, exhale the badstuff ” you know?

Don’t skip meals.

Make a scrapbook full of pictures that make you happy.

Think about the good things in life

Spend time practising a musical instrument or singing to music.

Drink hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows.

take a hot bath with lots of bubbles- tell yourself that you deserve it 🙂

If you feel upset slow your breathing by counting your breaths in and out.

Go for a jog.

Meditate!! There are plenty guided meditation videos on YouTube, and even apps for it. You would be suprised as to how helpful it is.

Take a minute to stretch muscles that are tense or knotted.

Go to a library. They are always so quiet and peaceful.

Enjoy the beauty of snow storms.


Take a moment and close your eyes. Breathe in and out and concentrate on your breathing.