I wish that I could help all of you, but I suggest that if you need to talk to someone or if you need help with something that you call a facility in the list of numbers. These people can help you. It’s your first step to feeling happy and better, and it helps. Everything will be ok.
Worry Jar
That I’ll always be unhappy with myself
What will life be like in a year? Will I be happy? Or even deeper into this dark place?
That no one will ever love me and I’ll be alone forever and never find the one guy for me. That I will never be good enough
I’m scared the future is so unclear and it freaks the shit out of me. I don’t have a real family anymore and it hurts
I hate myself and my life and I’m so sad but nobody cares.
I’m worried that I will never get a boyfriend. I am 19 and have never been in a relationship. I am lonely and depressed.
I’m worried that our corrupt capitalist system will destroy our free will and our courage to fight against it will be doused by fear of unemployment.
My school has a total of about 80 kids most of their parents are teachers and i grew up hanging out with the older crowd their parents judge me cause I grew up faster then they let their kids.. Shame to see how they ruined that whole generation… Grow up
My “friends”
I just can’t take school or people anymore
My mom told me she would quit smoking. Imm scared she is still smoking behind my back
I’m worried of loosing my world.
I worry if I will ever have any friends, I’m in my forth school in the last year and my anxiety is stopping me from going.
I worry that I might be in love with a 19 year old.. (I’m 14.)
Im so fat and my mom tells me every day how fat i am
IM GAY!!!!!!!!!
I’m worried that one of my friends hates me but she acts like she loves me. I’m afraid that she talks about me behind my back.
Today I was not only informed that my boyfriend was planning to have sex with me next time we hang out despite me saying that I wasn’t ready but had showed his friends my nudes. I’m worried everyone will find out. We are really popular…
I’m afraid of my thoughts they think things I don’t want to and never would do but I can’t make them stop