I worry that I am not good enough and that if I don’t do better, every one else will feel that way too.

That I won’t get into university, even with all my courses and marks and hard work

I worry because the guy i like most, barely talks to me

That some day I’m just going to lose myself, lose control. And do something I’ll regret.

I worry that I’ll never be good enough for someone, if I’m told that now, will it always be like that?

I worry I will get sick on a school trip

My dad’s only nice to me when he wants something and I’m worried that’s how it’s always going to be.

I worry that my anxiety will get even worse and cause me to fail in the real world like not being able to get a job or get married due to my awkwardness and lack of communication skills.

I’m worried I’ll be alone all my life

I feel like everything is slowly falling apart and there is nothing I can do

I worry that my anxiety is going to be the thing that makes my boyfriend leave me.

My pop died today

Everyone says my boyfriend deserves better than me, I know it isn’t true but everyone saying it is really making it seem true

I hate everything about myself. I was anorexic for four years and I self harmed for ten years (I’m 16). I’ve tried to kill myself upwards of 70 times. I’m pretty much fully recovered but I still have severe anxiety and depression. I’m so insecure I’m fearful of relapsing.

I have a new sibling coming in August and I being the oldest daughter I have to do so much and school doesn’t make it any better So stressed

FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THEY AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH: Take it from someone who knows, Don’t think that just because you aren’t beautiful or you are poor or whatever that you aren’t good enough. It’s not about how much $$$$ you have (or don’t have) or about if you look good. ITS ABOUT WHO YOU ARE INSIDE, IN THE HEART.

That I shall never truly conform to the ideas and expectations placed upon this society by the monster that keeps everyone poor and many of us unhappy- societal conventions and the crushing pressure of the vast and inescapable capitalist behemoth to which we are enslaved.

My boyfriend is 2 years older than me and I’m really worried that he likes someone else because he hasn’t been talking to me often and he claims not to use his phone much, but whenever he bothers to actually hang out with me he’s always on his phone. I’m worried and I miss him. :'(

I am a disgrace. My parents are disappointed in me. I can’t do anything right. I messed up a lot.

I turn my head away when I pass any mirror, and I limit the amount of times I open my eyes in the shower. I want to cry when I see my reflection