the nl mental health system sucks because i went in for my clinical assessment and told them that ive been having graphic and very bad intrusive thoughts and that it’s impacting my daily life and i dont know what to do and my psychologist told me that i have OCD which i was so thankful that somebody finally understood me and took me seriously but then when i went in today and told them everything that happened they told me i just had generalized anxiety because my grades are high and people with OCD can’t pull off good grades. one of my intrusive thoughts are about my grades, actually, so if i dont get good ones they impact me. I’ve been told my entire life that i’m overreacting and that my feelings aren’t valid and that everyone has anxiety sometimes but people with anxiety don’t experience the things that i do and it hurts to know that i’ve been waiting 7 years to get this assessment to finally get diagnosed so my parents and teachers and friends will take me seriously but then all of my hard work is thrown down the drain because they refused to listen to me and talked to my parents about how they saw me instead. i’m all alone and i don’t know what to do anymore