I have really bad stomach issues and I’ve been getting flu sick twice a month causing me to miss a lot of school. I really try to keep up with all the work but it’s just too much and It’s so hard when I’m confined to my bed or the bathroom. My average was a 97, the best it’s ever been and now it is down to an 89 because I have so many missing assignments and I’ve been getting 50s in math which has never happened before. The past two weeks I’ve been trying to get caught up but I got sick again and I genuinely couldn’t move at all. Now school starts back up tomorrow and I’m so scared. I have so much to do and no time left. I wish my teachers understood why I’m so behind. I can’t keep up and it takes me so much longer to do assignments compared to my friends. I can’t remember the last time I spent time with my friends because I’m constantly doing work after school and on the weekends. Let alone all the school I miss due to doctors appointments and therapy. The thought of school makes me want to throw up. I’m so burnt out and I dread every single day. I’m so lucky I finally have friends who support me and love me but I never get to do anything. I don’t even answer texts or snaps anymore. I’m just so sick of school and being sick all the time. It’s taking over my life and I don’t get to do anything I love anymore. My mental health is plummeting just as I was finally starting to do better. I haven’t seen my therapist in 3 months because every time I have an appointment I’m sick and we have to reschedule. And to make things worse I’ve been waiting to see a specialist for my stomach issues for years now and we finally got an appointment scheduled just for them to call us the day of saying they’re too busy and going to have to rebook it. I’m just so tired.