Sometimes we need to go very dark and far into our caves, only to find the beautiful treasure that is hiding inside. Let’s not lose hope that we’ll find our treasures and soon start our journey back to the bright light. We are all together in this process, just inside different caves. ❤️

I feel like I am the loneliness person on the planet. I was in my home for three weeks, one week terrible sick, and not one word of a lie, if I was thought about a handful of times just in general that was all. My in-laws, who live next to me, were more afraid of catching the “plague” as they called it than asking me if I needed something picked up at the store. Since my dad passed no one speaks of him. Doesn’t anyone know the depths of grief. It’s all fun and games all the time. I envy their zest and positiveoutlook on life but, I also see them covering up their true selves and that doesn’t help me and certainly does not do them any favors.

Why is it that the most stress and anxiety comes from a job that don’t care about their employees? Isn’t a employer supposed to look after it’s employees and provide them with programs to cope with stress or better yet accommodate them if they can’t work certain hours.

We are all in the same storm. Not everyone is in the same boat . Some are on yachts while others have just one oar.

Write in a journal how you are feeling each day.

Battling Bipolar Disorder is difficult. It is especially difficult when you are limited to health care resources. Not being able to see a psychiatrist for months on end takes a tole. That is why loving myself is crucial. That is why taking care of myself is crucial. I have to – because at the end of the day no one else will.

Take 5. Whether that be 5 breaths or 5 minutes in a private area to re-evaluate your situation. Leaving your current situation will allow you to gain perspective and return back to your ongoing tasks with a clear mindset.

I am thankful for God not giving up on me when life got rough.

The Art Room – one of those dark days…….

Get through anything put your mind to it one day at a time

Sometimes talking to my mom and dad helps a lot.

The best education is adversity. Battling my depression and anxiety isn’t an option despite negative and stressful events occurring outside of my control.