From February 17 – March 30, explore three free online programs to support your mental health:
MINDWELL: Simple tools to decrease stress, improve focus, and perform and feel your best by practicing mindfulness.
THERAPY ASSISTANCE ONLINE (TAO): Online library of mental health resources to help you understand and manage how you feel, think, and act.
MESSAGES OF HOPE: Receive a positive message from a Peer Supporter for 30 days. Offered in partnership with Lifewise.
Take the challenge and enter to win one of three grocery store gift cards! Each program you sign up for = 1 entry (up to three per person).
Join MindWell
Join TAO
Join Messages of Hope
Submit Ballot
With Kids Help Phone’s texting service, you can connect with a trained, volunteer crisis responder for support on your phone or computer any time, about anything, using text or web message.
Kids, teens, and young adults can text CONNECT to 686868 to speak to someone without judgment. It’s free, confidential, and there for you 365 days a year.
Kids Help Phone Website
Do you want to be more in control of the things that challenge your mental wellbeing?
Check out these short courses that can have a big impact with just a little investment of time.
Learn more
Naloxone (or Narcan) is a non-prescription, over-the-counter medication in Canada, that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose. You can give naloxone while you wait for professional help to arrive.
Get a Free Kit Learn more
Bridge the gapp Youth is an online resource designed to support your mental wellness.
Learn More about Bridge the gapp
“To be a person is to have a story to tell.” – Isak Dinesen.
Stories entertain and teach. They reflect on experience and create community. Stories about recovery also have the power to heal. Visit the Wall of Hope to read and share your own story of recovery.
Visit Wall of Hope