Do something artistic – music, drawing, sewing, writing, etc.
Go outside to enjoy nature

This is a sample art room post.
My story of hope and recovery is ….
We have struggled for so long as a family it’s been hard to have hope. Mental illness stole from me and my family. I’m thankful for the support given to us by professionals, family and friends. I’m hopeful that our story has made us stronger and that our family will now thrive. It’s been a long road and I know it’s not over, but I think now we have the skills and strengths to move forward and enjoy all of what life has to offer.
My hope is ….
to have a better future than my past.
My hope is ….
that I will grow to be a much stronger person and be able to deal with my daily anxiety struggles. I hope that one day I can help someone in the same situation as myself.
My story of hope and recovery ….
In keeping with our philosophy of Recovery Focused Rehabilitation, N3A is developing an art based program to help clients visually express their own Recovery experience. Clients will have the opportunity to complete self-portraits in how they view themselves through the different stages of Recovery.